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A little bit about me

I am currently studying design and psychology at the University of Auckland.


Year 12 of high school Photography I learned how to create my own art. I loved learning new techniques and tools through experimentation and playing around to create images I never thought I would be able to visually express. The subject taught me important work ethic, determination and problem solving as well as how to adapt my thinking and ideas to create based on guidelines. It also gave me the practical skill of knowing my way around a camera and being skilled in photoshop and editing. 

Completing my first photography board with excellence is one of my prouder moments in terms of my creative potential and solidified my choice in entering a career in the creative industry of design.

So far the degree has taught me important techniques like storyboarding, wire framing, analysis of designs and important aspects of composition. It has also given me experience using new softwares like InDesign, fusion 360 and figma while also keeping my photoshop and drawing skills up to date.


As for my future in design, I am unsure where it will take me and that is both exciting and scary. I would love to be able to apply my psychology degree to my design projects; working with those in the mental health sector and using my psychology knowledge to better design for certain outcomes and experiences. 

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