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Week 11 - The report

This week has been about the report draft that is due. It was quite difficult to wrote about as a lot of the stuff I need to write about...

Week 10! I made my own skybox

I have fallen a little bit behind schedule in terms of prototyping this week. I thought I had run into an issue with my skybox that I was...

Week 8 and 9 Outcomes

Week 8 Mondays class was missed as I really needed the time to work on my project. Thursdays zoom class was really useful. The feedback...

Learning curve of tools and plans

Over the break I created concepts and map out the environment. These tools were suggested in the HCD field guide and were actually...

Semester Break Plan of Attack

My plan of attack for the semester break: - Create detailed job list of everything to include n the game - Create concept sketches of the...

Empathic Computing Lab

In the Thursday class Mairi went over the deliverables for assignment 3. This did help me as it reminded me of all the smaller things...

Presentation Day

Mondays class was our project presentations. I enjoyed listening to different streams projects. It was really cool to see all the...

Being sick is hard

I have been sick all week. I have missed all of my classes and have barely done any work this week. I have tried to do some simple stuff...

I made a game!!!

I made flappy bird from scratch on unity!!! I found a tutorial to watch and follow through to help me learn the basic skills and the...

Confused and stressed

I am finding this course to be very confusing at times. At the moment there is not a lot of clarity on the presentation assignment and I...

Blog: Blog2
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