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  • Writer's pictureRenee Munro

Week 10! I made my own skybox

I have fallen a little bit behind schedule in terms of prototyping this week. I thought I had run into an issue with my skybox that I was struggling to fix but after talking with a classmate I realised it was not an issue and I was trying to fix something that wasn't broken. So that was a fun time. But it is part of the learning curve with new technologies.

In the future when I learn new tech things I need to properly test if because if I had hooked it up to a vr rig to test I would have realised it wasn't an issue. Also checking in with others earlier to ask for help or opinions would have saved me time.

Here is my 360 degree video that I have turned into a skybox for my game! I loved the use of AI to create this and will definitely use this in the future.

This coming week will be focused on my report as a first draft needs to be completed by Wednesday. A class mate was kind enough to show me how they were breaking down the word count for their report and so having that guide line has made the task seem much more approachable. I am really enjoying working independently but with my classmates. I think this is a really great way to work for me and I want to remember this for future projects and the work environment.

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