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  • Writer's pictureRenee Munro

Learning curve of tools and plans

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

Over the break I created concepts and map out the environment. These tools were suggested in the HCD field guide and were actually incredibly helpful. I was feeling overwhelmed and did not know how to approach my project but these tools helped.

For future projects or jobs I need to take suggested tools, frameworks and practices more seriously because they are being suggested for a beneficial reason. I need to remember plans, tools and frameworks make the design process more efficient and in turn will make my outcomes of a higher quality.

These plans also gave me a better understanding of the 3D assets I need to find to build my VR environment and I found a lot of useful assets. This was an unintended benefit of using concepts drawings, a reminder that tools may have carry over benefits of use.

This meant that for the start on week 7 I began to create my VR game environment of a cave. Its coming a long okay but still very early stages.

On Thursdays class Mairi told us that our final prototype does not have to be a fully completed functioning VR game. This means my prototype can have a detailed VR environment, a little bit of coding and no detailed character to partner with.

The relief I felt knowing that I did not have to make an entire game was indescribable. I now feel so much more motivated to work on this project as It is so much more doable and achievable.

I am excited to get to work now. In hindsight, I should have discussed with Mair in detail the final expectations to gather this crucial information earlier in the semester so not to waste time and unneeded stress.

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