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  • Writer's pictureRenee Munro

Week 8 and 9 Outcomes

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

Week 8 Mondays class was missed as I really needed the time to work on my project. Thursdays zoom class was really useful. The feedback given to me was to make a panoramic Video and use it as a skybox to create an environment with lots of detail. I was also told to consider changing from sticks to a taiaha (spear) or pois. Because they can be used solo and it removes the need for a character to play with. It was also suggested to add a mirror component to see yourself using the items. If I can do this I would love to add it. This was useful feedback and gave me an option to iterate further.

I wish I had access to this feedback earlier on as I wasted time trying to make my environment in Nomad Sculpt.

Week 9 has just been trying to make this video a skybox. Initially I had to redo the environment creation in blockade labs 30 times roughly to get it to create an environment that matched what I wanted. It still isn't perfect but I am happy with it. To do this I did have to buy a subscription so I am now stubbornly committed to making it work. My current issue is the 360 video won't stop spinning when I make it a skybox in unity. I am going to try making it a panoramic picture and seeing if that works. I then will be making a taiaha and adding some 3D assets into the skybox space.

Over the next 2 weeks I need to finish these jobs and test on a headset to make sure there are no issues. If I have time at the end I want to make a mirror room to go into and use the taiaha so you can see yourself using it but I doubt this will happen.

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