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  • Writer's pictureRenee Munro

Semester Break Plan of Attack

My plan of attack for the semester break:

- Create detailed job list of everything to include n the game

- Create concept sketches of the character, environment and game play

- Create environment in unity. Find pre done assess that suit my design.

- Find code for the actions I need

- Create an avatar to teach and play the game with the user. (

- Finish Taniwha and rig it in blender (need to learn how to do this)

- Rig sticks in belnder

- Add materials to 3d assets in blender

I am feeling very behind so I want to use this semester break to do as much labour work as I can since I will have uninterrupted hours to work and learn. Majority of these tasks are jobs I didn't know I needed to do prior to my meeting with the empathic computing lab so its actually nice to see I got useful advice from them and Im actually going to apply it.

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