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  • Writer's pictureRenee Munro

Confused and stressed

I am finding this course to be very confusing at times. At the moment there is not a lot of clarity on the presentation assignment and I am becoming very stressed. The description for the assignment is incredibly vague and so I tried my best. Then after the Monday class, when the assignment is already handed in I see that there is a different explanation for what should have been included in the presentation. It's making an already anxious public speaking event 10x worse.

I am stuck on how to alleviate this issue because I thought I asked enough questions and understood what was expected of me and now I am getting mixed messages. Maybe this is an opportunity to practice meditation and calming my anxieties? Should I be pushing for more detailed instructions? I don't know what the right move is.

For now I need to try and not freak out so much and hope what I did will be okay. Very nervous for Thursday.

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